WHO: My Friend Andy G. from work
WHAT: Cycling across country 3,170.5 miles in 32 days!
WHEN: Thanksgiving - New Year's 2010
WHY: He is raising money for a friend of his who has cancer
HOW: On his bike by himself! (0.3 horse power!)
Here's a little something about Andy's friend Ashley who he is raising money for:
Why am I blogging this? Well, Andy is a friend of mine at work AND it's for a good cause. But mostly because I am so impressed with Andy's BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of biking cross country by himself. Also 100% of the money that is donated to Andy's ride goes towards his friend Ashley's cancer treatment. That means Andy is not only donating 32 days of his time but he is also funding his entire trip (flights, equipment, hotels, food, etc). Andy also gave up all of his vacation this year in order to use the time for this trip!
I have been really inspired by Andy since he told me about this EPIC bike trip. Andy and I trade training stories and now that I know about this trip - I really feel motivated to train for next year's triathlons this off season. Everything I need to do to get in shape for the next bigger triathlon is peanuts compared to Andy's EPIC bike trip (while trailering 20 lbs or more behind him all the way!)
Andy is also "tweeting" his progress maps. Today Andy covered 106.85 miles!
If you would like to support Andy and Ashley you can donate to "Project Levanter" here:
Or you can read all about Andy's Project on his website here: http://www.projectlevanter.com/home.html
I'll post a few updates about Andy's EPIC bike ride throughout the Holidays!
About Project Levanter (from Andy)It started with a hair-brained idea a few years ago after completing TOSRV with my dad for the second time. Then the idea raised its head again this past April during some cigars with my good friend Chuck…At the most basic level, this is a solo bike trip on the southern tier route from San Diego, California to St. Augustine, Florida. There are three reasons why:1.) I like cycling2.) I love big, audacious challenges3.) To help a friendThat last reason is really why there is there is a "Project Levanter". With the help of some close friends, we have set up this website to leverage my cross-country bike ride to help raise money for a close friend of ours who is and has been battling cancer since she was in her early 20's. There's never a good time for cancer, but in your 20's is pretty crappy.Since I first met her at Xavier University in 2003, Ashley Thompson has epitomized a positive, motivating person. She's always had an amazing outlook on life, regardless of cancer. She's been there for me in rough spots with a little extra push, offering a little bit of her courage to help along the way. This is the least we can do for her…When I first started talking to people about this trip, questions always came up. But two came up more often than others:1.) You’re really going by yourself?2.) Are you doing it for a cause?
For the first question, while I love team sports and the camaraderie that comes withthem, cycling and running have always been something I enjoy more alone. I'm suresomeone can read into the reason why, but I think it's because of the freedom thatcomes with it. As for the second question, I wasn’t going to do this ride for a cause unless it was one that I knew I personally believed in to my core and that I knew any money raised was actually going to the cause.So the setup is pretty simple. I ride my bike. Folks donate money. The money goes to Ashley directly, 100% (except for the paypal service charge). As anyone can imagine, living expenses when you’re on your 3rd round of Chemo get pretty crazy.Any donation is welcome… if you’re looking for a suggestion, take a look at my ‘draft’ day-by-day itinerary under "The Ride" section. Pick a day donate $0.50, $1.00, $2.00 per mile (you'll have to do the math as you enter the amount into PayPal, we’re not that sophisticated here). Then shoot us an email at projectlevanter@gmail.com so we can track the donations. Finally, mark your calendar and check back in. I'll be using my iPhone to update my progress daily, via twitter, flickr, and some GPS apps to show my route.Team Levanter will be helping me post pictures and stories from the ride as we go…