Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Favorite SNL Digital Shorts

If you follow Saturday Night Live - then you know that the Digital Shorts have become very popular in the past few years. They are produced by "The Lonely Island" - an American comedy troupe composed of Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, and Andy Samberg, best known for its musical parodies.

A word of warning - some of these have questionable content (it is SNL after all) so watch at your own risk!

What I love about their work is:
1) They are really talented and produce high quality music videos
2) The songs are VERY well done and tend to stick in your head
3) They are funny to broderline over the top, with multiple layers of jokes - and then they take it too far

It probably all started with Lazy Sunday:

My Favorite might still be "I'm on a boat" with T-Pain (nominated for a Gramy!)

(Uncensored if you can handle it!)

This is another great one - "Shy Ronnie"

Maybe my favorite song and hilarious - "Boombox"

This one is more absurd everytime I watch it - "Space Olympics"

Now we transition in to even more questionable content, however I think this Justin Timberlake SNL digital short really put them on the map - "D*ck in a box"

And the sequel for Mother's Day - "Mother Lover"

And one that is a really great video and song - but will make your jaw drop - "J*zz in my Pants"

While we are out on a limb - "Like a Boss"

Last and maybe least is "Iran so far"

Bonus - "On The Ground"

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